@misc{79236, author = {Vivekananda Nemana}, title = {Is Capital Fever Making Vijayawada Ill?}, abstract = {

For decades the colorful, swaggering town of Vijayawada has set its sights elsewhere, dreaming of escape, of leaving, of the US. But now it{\textquoteright}s going to be India{\textquoteright}s newest state capital -- a proposed ultramodern, ultra-expensive neoliberal Shangri-La -- and a rush of new money is eagerly flooding the old city.~And for all the enthusiasm about skyrocketing land prices and "World Class" skyscrapers, few people express interest in actually~living~in the~new capital.~Is this model of development a fever dream? Winner of the 2016 Mumbai Press Club{\textquoteright}s RedInk Award for Politics.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {Yahoo Originals + Grist Media}, url = {https://in.news.yahoo.com/is-capital-fever-making-vijayawada-ill-084546402.html}, language = {eng}, }